After deciding to sell your Minnesota home, you may be wondering what to include in your home's listing. MSN Real Estate offers advice on what to showcase when listing your home to attract potential buyers.
While photos may be able to show buyers how open your home is, there are many other amenities that aren't necessarily visible. This can include breathtaking views or security provided by secluded land or a gated property. Be sure that these unseen features of your home are included in the listing, as they could be exactly what buyers are looking for.
It is also important to be specific when describing your home. While mentioning that your home has a newly remodeled kitchen may attract some people to attend your open house, pointing out specific features, such as eco-friendly appliances or granite countertops, may lure more buyers to check out your property. Other major updates, including a new roof or a swimming pool, can also make your home stand out from others listings in your area.
When creating your own listing, make sure to use proper grammar and good adjectives. If listing your home online, poor grammar and misspellings can leave your ad looking like a scam, so have a close friend proofread before publishing. If you are using a real estate agent, they will likely be the one creating the listing and marketing your home, but you can always request for additional information to be included and to look it over before potential buyers see it.
If your home supports a certain lifestyle, make sure your listing highlights that. Potential buyers may be looking for a family-friendly property, and listing that your home is fenced in and has a large backyard could be a major selling point. Some buyers may be into entertaining friends and family, so including that your home has a deck or patio can also be helpful.